Sunday 15 March 2020

The over-70s to go into hibernation. It's squirrel time!

If it wasn't so serious I would be laughing right now. The UK Government wants all people over the age of 70 to self-isolate in their homes for FOUR MONTHS!!! That's what squirrels do when they hibernate, and hedgehogs. So anyone who has reached the age of 70, however fit and healthy he or she is, has to be locked away at home and not emerge into the sunlight until the late summer. Are you kidding me? No one should have their lives just stopped in its tracks just like that. One minute the government wants at least 60 per cent of the population to get the virus in order to produce a herd immunity the next time coronavirus visits us and now they want all old people off the streets because it's frightfully inconvenient to have, theoretically, the most vulnerable members of the community living in the outside world because of the strain it puts on the National Health Service if they get ill. If you're sitting round the Cabinet table in 10 Downing Street and some clever dick comes up with the idea re old folk, you can see everyone nodding their heads and thinking "hey that's a good idea, get them off the streets as quickly as possible. What do you reckon, four months, six months, a couple of years?" Older people are mostly sensible and realistic and will already be taking every precaution to keep well and not mix too much. And anyway, a helluva lot of older people are now fighting fit, run marathons, stay working, do parachute jumps etc. So being ordered to stay indoors for four months just because a man or woman with greying hair is viewed as a potential higher risk of catching the virus and not recovering is a giant bootstep too far. As I said, if it wasn't a serious proposal it would be laughable. Oher countries, Italy and Spain for example, are literally shut down. Everyone is told to stay at home. But that's everyone and it's for two weeks. That might be acceptable here in the UK. The US seems to be getting more and more alarmed with infection cases rising rapidly, but I'm not aware of Trump, who of course is over 70, dictating to all Americans of his age and above to self-isolate for a long period. Joe Biden would have to go into long-term quarantine. So too Bernie Sanders. And Nancy Pelosi and some of those ancient Supreme Court judges. The presidential election campaign will have to be postponed. Trump will stay on as president after November! The mind boggles. This is ageism taken too far.

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