Sunday 29 March 2020

Coronavirus battle between health and personal rights

Each day our way of life - normal pre-coronavirus life -is changing dramatically. Here in UK Boris Johnson has written to every household to say tougher measures might be needed. How much tougher can they get in a democracy such as ours? Some police forces in the country are already being over-enthusiastic with their new powers, hailing people daring to sit on the grass in the parks and ordering them to get up and go home, sending drones to spot anyone walking in remote areas and warning lone dog-walkers to hurry up and return home, and, amazingly, setting up checkpoints on busy roads and stopping drivers to ask what the hell they think they're doing engaged in a non-exercise means of mobility. Richmond Park, unquestionably the most wonderful of all the parks in London, is closed to vehicle traffic which is good but also shut for cyclists which is over-the-top. Will they ban walkers next because of the risk of bottlenecks of people at the entrances? If people want to engage in the one-exercise-a-day government-approved walk or cycle ride they should be allowed to do so, and the parks are the best places to do it when living in a city. Boris's warning that more measures might be on the way hints at a stay-at-home all day edict except for perhaps 15 minutes allowed to walk around the block. I don't know what he has in mind but the population is going to go house-bound crazy if exercise and fresh air are banned. Everyone will turn to eating to stave off the boredom and we will all get fat and unhealthy. There has to be a balance between taking sensible health measures and ensuring that the people of this nation and of any nation hang on to a semblance of their old life even if it can't involve eating in restaurants and pubs, playing golf or tennis or hugging members of the family living elsewhere. At some point we will all have to go back to normal life, yet now one of the UK government's chief scientific advisers, Professor Paul Ferguson, is yet again promoting worst-case scenario images: being stuck in lockdown until June is his latest suggestion. Come on, stop making depressing predictions, with threats of even more limits to our lives, and come up with solutions/antidotes/treatments that will bring this nightmare to an end.

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