Friday 15 November 2019

What has happened to Colonel Vindman?

Since the appearance of Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Vindman, Ukraine expert in the National Security Council, before the House Intelligence Committee giving evidence in the impeachment inquiry, almost nothing has been heard of him. Has he gone back to work for the National Security Council or is he on gardening leave? What he said basically backed up the allegations against Donald Trump, that the president had been engaged in a dodgy phone call with the new Ukrainian leader in which he asked for help in uncovering any dirty dealings by Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Fox News did its best to discredit Vindman for daring to speak out. But Vindman is a miitary man and military men tend to do what they are told to do and to do it to the best of their ability. So when he was asked to appear before the House committee that's what he did, presumably because he thought it was the right thing to do even though his commander-in-chief had made it clear he did not want any of his admnistration officials to go anywhere near the committee. A sense of duty to his country overrode his obedience and loyalty to the president. And he wore his full military uniform to underline the point. As a result I would have thought that Trump would have got rid of him but we simply don't know what Vindman is doing. Robert O'Brien, the national security adviser, has hinted that Vindman would no longer be serving on the National Security Council and would be sent back where he came from. No, not Ukraine where he was born, but the US Army from where he had been seconded to the National Security Council because he speaks fluent Ukrainian and Russian. But according to Vindman's lawyer, his client is still working for the NSC. It must be highly uncomfortable for Vindman. Even when he does go back to his old mates in the army how will they treat him I wonder. Will get the cold shoulder? It's a risky business speaking out against the commander-in-chief.

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