Friday 23 August 2019

What a shame, Hickenlooper has stepped out of the race

The slow pull-out of Democratic candidates for the presidential nomination has begun. I am sorry that John Hickenlooper has stepped down if only because a President Hickenlooper would have been brilliant. But I see that Andrew Yang, the 44-year-old business entrepeneur from New York, is suddenly surging forward. President Yang has a certain ring to it. Imagine the headline "President Yang greets President Xi". Of course he won't win the Democratic nomination but he's not out of it yet. The main contestants all have relatively ordinary names: Joe Biden, Eliabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris. Nothing exciting there. One of their problems is that their surnames don't jump out at you, not when you consider President Trump. The name Trump hits you right in the face, like an expletive. But Biden, Warren, Sanders and Harris are all run-of-the-mill boring-sounding names. This is all facetious stuff of course, just a bit of fun. But a president with the name Hickenlooper would have given the late-night show comedians and cartoonists a field day. Now he wants to be a senator instead and there are plenty of those with funny names already. Such as Boozman, Crapo, Thune and Stabenow. Meanwhile Yang is fighting an uphill task to outflank the likes of Biden and co. At some point, presumably, despite the recent surge in support, he will realise that he has not the faintest hope of beating the top four and will bow out. It's a tricky one, when to accept the inevitable without losing too much face. I can't see anyone, not even Mike Buttigieg (splendid name), ousting any of the top four contestants, although he's doing well and getting funding. Despite all the polls pointing to Biden getting the nomination, I really do believe, especially after the kicking Hillary Clinton got in 2016, that a woman is going to be selected for the Democrats. So either Harris or Warren. I would like it to be Kamala Harris but my sense now is that Elizabeth Warren will come out top and could become America's first female president.

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