Sunday 18 August 2019

Trump too scared to stand for reelection?

So Anthony Scaramucci, Trump's very shortlived director of communications (he lasted only 11 days in the post) thinks Trump is so paranoid about the possibility of being beaten in the 2020 election campaign he will announce in March that he won't be standing for reelection. First of all I think that's nonsense. Trump will stand for reelection and fully expects to win I'm sure. But it's an interesting insight into Trump. Scaramucci must know him pretty well. He knows, as we all do in fact, that Trump rides on the belief that he is invincible and better than any of his opponents whoever they are. But does he occasionally lie in bed at night and think to himself, "Could it happen? Could that idiot Joe Biden beat me, could that dreadful woman Elizabeth Warren push me out, and as for Kamala Harris, surely no way?" But there must be a niggle in his mind. Could he endure the humiliation of being beaten by one of his Democratic rivals? He would never live it down, he would probably claim it had been fixed and would demand a recount. Trump will have laughed at the interview Scaramucci gave to Vanity Fair magazine in which he predicted the president would not stand for reelection. But he will have taken comfort from another media report where foreign diplomats appear to have resigned themselves to having Trump in the White House beyond 2020. Pretty well every government in the world made fools of themselves, including the UK, by assuming that Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 election. Everyone did, including Hillary of course. Would these foreign diplomats dare suggest to their respective governments that Trump will be beaten? No, they wouldn't. Of course the only leader who fancied Trump for the White House job in 2016 was Vladimir Putin. I wonder what the Russian leader thinks today. Has he put money on Trump getting reelected? I bet he has. He won't be put off by Scaramucci's bizarre prediction.

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