Friday 30 June 2017

Trump and women

What's with this guy Donald Trump? After more than 70 years as a bloke on this planet he clearly hasn't yet learnt the difference between complimentary, creepy and offensive when dealing with the opposite sex. And has he got a thing about blood? During the presidential election he suggested Megyn Kelly, then Fox News presenter, was having a period because of the way she interviewed him on Fox News, saying she had blood coming "out of her wherever". Now he has attacked Mika Brzezinksi, MSNBC presenter, saying she was "bleeding badly from a facelift." We know Trump is a germaphobe because he told us he was. Does he also have a blood phobia and an obsession with talking about blood when referring to women? Anyway, I don't want to get diverted. The point is, Trump hasn't a clue about women. When he addressed the female Irish reporter in the Oval Office the other day, interrupting a call to the Irish prime minister, and said she had a nice smile on her face, that wasn't offensive, but it was creepy. The remarks to Megyn Kelly and Mika Brezinzksi were clearly not just offensive but disgusting and gross. Trump says women love him, but all women, ALL women, know the difference between a minor flirting remark, a real compliment and total creepiness. It's one of the things men have to learn, preferably from an early age. First, you treat with women with respect and it helps always to be courteous and chivalrous. This may sound old-fashioned but it's not. Charm is also fine. But, especially these days, charm can turn into creepiness if a bloke goes on too much or starts placing a hand on a woman's waist or higher up. But Trump was either brought up badly or thinks he's so special and beloved by the female sex that he can say and do anything. Some women, judging by the crowds of female supporters who listen to his every word, obviously think he's ok. But I bet if he stepped down from his speech platform and headed for one particular woman and said: "Hey, baby, you've got nice ...." that woman would think to herself: "Uuurgh, what a creep." What I don't understand is Trump has got a beautiful wife and a lovely daughter. How can they put up with these derogatory remarks about their sex. Why don't they tell him that women don't want a creepy 70-year-old mouthing off about women's looks?

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