Thursday 1 June 2017

Trump changes climate

I really do sincerely believe that Trump today is going to make the most important decision of his presidency. There is no bigger decision than whether to stay in or leave the Paris climate-change agreement. If he says the US is OUT, then it will be one of the worst decisions by any president in living memory. It will be a total abrogation of American leadership in the world. It will be the most selfish America-is-the-only-important-country on the globe announcement. It will be zero leadership. Trump's reputation will slip as swiftly as the icebergs are melting in the Antarctic. He will no longer exist as a moral authority on anything, if he ever did. It will be the president of the United States saying: "I don't care about the rest of the world, I don't care about the future of the planet. All I care about are my coal miners, and my money-making industries." Angela Merkel will despise him even more than she does at the moment. Theresa May, well she may not be much longer in Number 10 Downing Street, but if by a miracle she does survive the election, she will have to drop all pretence of being nice to Trump. All of this is a disaster for one of the countries I love most in the world. America is a wonderful country, I have lots of great friends in different parts of the US of A. They deserve a leader who looks beyond the boundaries of the US and worries about the state of the world. That includes climate change which will affect America as well as the rest of us. So, Mr Trump, ignore the advisers such as Steve Bannon who wants you to stick with your campaign pledge to leave the Paris accord and listen to the more intelligent views of James Mattis and Rex Tillerson and your daughter Ivanka. Be bold, be brave, be special, be prudent, be inspirational, be sensible, STAY with the rest of the world - barring Syria and Nicaragua - and help save the planet. If you do this at 8pm this evening, your reputation everywhere will soar. You will make us all astonished and happy. We might even begin to like you. Now there's a thought.

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