Wednesday 28 June 2017

Venezuela, the forgotten nation

So much is going on in the world: terrorism, the wars against Isis in Syria and Iraq, North Korea's madness, Trump's controversial, unpredictable presidency etc. But is anyone really taking notice of what is happening in Venezuela? This is a beautiful, once rich country that has been totally ruined by a political dynasty almost as brutal and appalling as North Korea's. Hugo Chavez, the track-suited man of the people who brought a revolution to Venezuela, started the road to disaster. He professed to love the poor and handed out money to them, but he didn't have a clue about economics and governance and trade and human rights. He died but was succeeded by Nicolas Maduro, a Chavez devotee and former bus driver, who tried to maintain the Chavez revolution. His administration has been notable for corruption, stealing, human rights abuses, destruction of the economy and brutal suppression of the political opposition and of the people. Now there are daily riots in the streets, looting and burning of cars and buildings. The people are involved in an uprising but Maduro has sent troops into the streets to arrest, wound and kill protesters. People are afraid to go to work for fear of being caught up in violence. No one can leave the country because they are forbidden to take money with them. Anyone who owns a house is unable to sell the property and seek a life in a neighbouring country because their houses are worthless. Taking US dollars out of the country is banned. There is a growing sense of hopelessness and despair. It is a country destroyed by a greedy and abusive leader. Yet no one in the international community is doing anything. The US talks about the need to return to democracy. The Organisation of American States (OAS) talks and talks and talks but does not have the courage to intervene. Venezuela is dying and its people are desperate. Why is the world sitting back and ignoring what is going on?

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