Wednesday 3 May 2017

Trump going for broke

Some names mentioned in this blog are going to be given special nicknames. Most will be obvious. There's a lot going on. Trump (now Pomp) is going to go for the Holy Grail, a peace settlement in the Middle East. No one has succeeded before. Bill Clinton got as close as anyone but was then betrayed by the slimey Arafat who clearly decided he could not be the Palestinian leader who did a deal with the hated Israelis. So, after pretty well agreeing to sign, he then didn't. Arafat has a lot to answer for, except he's dead. But Pomp is now determined to have a go and after a meeting with Abbas, the Palestinian boss, he believes he has all the answers. Good luck President Pomp. You have to deal with BB Notonyahoo, a tricky customer if ever there was one. If Abbas agrees to sign, Notonyahoo will renege at the last moment because he won't want to be the Israeli leader who does a deal with the Palestinians. Oh no, not on his Rolex watch. So have a go, Pomp, by all means but the rest of the world will not be holding its breath. Then Pomp wants to have a deal with Poohtin about bringing peace to Syria. Well all the talk about a ceasefire is causing some confusion. I thought there was supposed to be a ceasefire already. But if Pomp and Poohtin can sort something out, and President Acid will go along with it, all well and good. Syria and the Syrian people have had enough. This once wonderful dignified country with a history of nobility has faced so much slaughter there's not much country left. Acid, like Arafat, has a lot to account for, and he's still alive. If Pomp fails with the Palestinian/Israeli impasse and Syria, there's no one else capable of stepping in. Theresa Mayormaynot has no influence in the Middle East, the soon-to-be President of France, Emmanuel Micron, is an unknown quantity, and Chancellor Angela Dorothea Schmerkel has her sights set elsewhere. Good luck President Pomp, you're on your own.

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