Wednesday 1 May 2024

If elected, Trump threatens to prosecute Joe Biden

Donald Trump refers to the Bidens as a crime family. But more than that, he is now threatening to prosecute Biden for crimes if he, the Don, wins the election in November. This is a very clever ploy. He might or might not get the Justice Department to charge Biden with crimes. But what it's really about is to send a message to the Supreme Court. "See," he is telling the judges, "if you don't grant me and future presidents immunity from prosecution for alleged crimes while holding public office, then anarchy will prevail." I guess the judges will hear the message loud and clear. They showed doubts about rejecting immunity across the board when they assembled last week, and now here is a former president with his eye on the White House threatening to charge Biden. It's a cunning move by Trump and his lawyers. Who knows, if the Supreme Court were to grant him his wish to have immunity, then Trump might just feel benevolent and change his mind about prosecuting Biden if he wins the election in November. Everything Trump does has a double meaning behind it. Biden of course was investigated for holding onto classified documents when he was vice president to Obama, but the decision was taken not to prosecute him. So it's difficut to see how this could be raised again in a Trump administration. But I'm sure Trump could give Biden a very hard time and in the meantime he will expect the judges of the Supreme Court to grant him a degree of immmunity and this will be seen as a massive victory for the man who is determined to return to the White House.

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