Thursday 22 February 2024

Biden says Putin is a crazy SOB!

Sometimes you just have to say it how it is. Joe Biden is known for his verbal gaffes but this wasn't a gaffe. He meant it and said it. Putin, he said, is a crazy SOB. He had the death/murder of Alexei Navalny in mind when he said it. So far there has been no reaction from the Kremlin but I guess Putin won't care in the least. He will probably see it as a compliment. It was only recently that Putin said he would prefer Biden to remain as president but he probably said that because he thought he could get away with more mischief under Joe's leadership than under Donald Trump's. But actually it's the opposite. The vast majority of Nato leaders I am sure would prefer to have Biden serving a second term in the White House because if Trump wins the election the alliance won't know from one day to the next what the hell Trump is going to do and, therefore, the cohesion which is vital for the alliance to function could vanish. That would be good news for Putin. So in many ways Putin should be hoping for Trump to win the election. But then I expect that's exactly what Putin really meant when he said he would prefer Old Joe to stay in the White House. Never take anything that Putin says at face value because, as Biden put it, he's a crazy SOB.

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