Thursday 5 October 2023

Biden builds a wall. What!!!

What a sweet moment for Donald Trump. President Biden announces he is going to build quite a substantial wall to stop migrants coming into the US illegally from Mexico. It won't be on the Trump grand scale but a wall nonetheless. After all the flak Trump got from the Democrats for being so obsessed with building a border wall when he was president it is quite bizarre that Biden has been persuaded that a wall after all is not such a bad idea. The fact is that migration is now one of the biggest political and social issues facing the whole world. America has always had illegals pouring in, just like the United Kingdom has and every European country for decades. But the size of the problem is now huge. The US has never been able to cope with the crisis. Trump failed as well, despite his bigger and better wall programme, and Biden's decision to go for a wall in one section of the Mexican border looks like a cry of desperation. Kamala Harris, the vice president, was given the job by Biden when he became president to sort out the migration problem but she came up with nothing. Thus the wall now. Walls, of course, will not be the answer in the long term. Walls never are. The answer is for the countries where the migrants are coming from to start behaving like proper democracies and give jobs, homes and food to all their citizens, male and female. But in countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen,that's never going to happen because of militancy, extremism, wars, poverty and political ideology. Those who turn up in Mexico just want a better life in America. Walls aren't going to stop them coming.

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