Saturday 7 January 2023

Prince Harry in yet another step too far

I suppose the publishers of his memoir wanted as much drama, controversy and secret stuff as possible to turn Prince Harry's ghost-written memoir into a bestseller. Fair enough, that's normal. But this is Prince Harry, a member of the Royal Family. How many indiscretions should he include before the whole thing just becomes tacky, creepy, embarrassing and awful. Congratulations, Harry, all the leaked excerpts I have read in the newspapers have shown beyond doubt that "Spare", the title of his recollections in anger and bitterness, is tacky, creepy, embarrassing and awful. But it will of course makes pots of money. He has already gone too far in revealing all the details of his breach with members of the Royal Family, especially his brother Prince William. But his boast about killing 25 Taliban in Afghanistan is a gross step too far. I have worked as a journalist with the military, British, American and others over many years and no one ever boasted to me how many of the "enemy" they had killed. It's just not something the military talks about, although there are exceptions to this. In the Second World War, RAF Spitfire pilots used to return to base and make claims about shooting down a certain number of German aircraft. But even then it wasn't a case of them boasting about killing German pilots. Special forces raids in Afghanistan by American, British and other coalition units used to include body counts. And of course details of enemy troops killed and wounded in wars are an accepted and acceptable way of demonstrating progress and achievement. But for an individual soldier to tell the world he managed to kill 25 enemy soldiers is definitely creepy and makes it sound like killing as an act itself is noble and praiseworthy. It's also inappropriate for a single soldier to make such a claim when he was part of a much larger force engaged in trying to improve the life of the average Afghan. Overall the claim by Harry made me feel uncomfortable. Why on earth did he include it in his memoir? To sensationalise and make money of course.

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