Tuesday 27 September 2022

Flying saucers "officially" a threat!!

America’s spy chiefs appear to have been victims of a suspected insider prankster after a new logo was published on an official government website highlighting flying saucers as one of the top aerial threats facing the United States. The image of a flying saucer appeared over a map of North America on an intelligence logo that also included a Russian Su-57 fighter jet, a wedge-shaped hypersonic-style air vehicle and a drone similar to versions produced by China and Iran. The Pentagon now has a new department which studies “unidentified aerial phenomenon”, otherwise known as UFOs. However, the appearance of a flying saucer on the logo of the aviation section of the Office of the National Director of Intelligence (ODNI), caused quite a stir before it was hastily taken down. The claimed new logo was published by the ODNI’s National Intelligence Manager-Aviation (NIM Aviation), headed by US Air Force Major-General Daniel Simpson. The previous and now reinstated logo is less dramatic and features a flying golden eagle above the Great Seal, the principal national symbol of the United States. The flying-saucer image seemed at first to be an appropriate update following a resurgence of interest both in the military and in Congress over potential alien spacecraft witnessed by pilots and UFO fanatics. Multiple drone-like aerial vehicles that flew at speed over US warships off the coast of California in 2019 were initially claimed to be alien spacecraft. But the US Navy concluded they were drones from a Hong Kong -registered spy ship. The establishment of a new Pentagon department to examine all sightings of unexplained fast-moving objects in the sky underlined the continuing interest in ensuring that alien phenomena were not entering American airspace. The mission of the aviation section of ODNI is to identify, analyse and warn of potential threats to the US in the “air domain”. The inclusion of a flying saucer alongside the genuine threat posed by hypersonic glide vehicles developed by China and Russia, seemed far-fetched. But the “new logo” was instantly seized on by UFO fans as evidence of the US government taking the alien spacecraft threat seriously. However, a spokesman for the ODNI said: “NIM Aviation erroneously posted an unofficial and incorrect logo.”

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