Wednesday 7 September 2022

A winter of Putin revenge

I get the feeling Vladimir Putin is looking forward to winter so that he can read all abut the sufferng he will be causing to people in Europe sitting in their homes without any heating! What a monster he is. As the Nato secretary-general wrote in an oped in the Financial Times today, we in Europe are facing energy crises because of Putin's war in Ukraine and his exploitation of his most powerful blackmail card - restricting or cutting off gas supplies. But the Ukrainian people are fighting for their very existence and we need to carry on supporting them. But the winter could be bleak for millions of people in Europe. Putin is hoping that keeping European families cold and miserable throughout the winter, the US and Nato allies will be forced to back down and give up on Ukraine. It is going to be tough, there is no doubt about that. But if Putin is allowed to get away with destroying Ukraine and killing thousands of people, then the future for all of us will truly be very bleak indeed.

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