Tuesday 5 July 2022

What on earth is going on in the United States of America?

It's not just the availability of guns for anyone over the age of 18. There's a mindset among a tiny percentage of young Americans who have become so angry that it seems to have become a natural recourse to pick up a semi-automatic rifle and go shooting. If they were terrorists with a link to an anti-American jihadist group, you can make an argument. Their mindset is still hatred but it's a mindset which scholars and intelligence experts and authorities on terrorism can debate and argue about. But when a young American just wakes up and decides to go out and kill, it's difficult if not impossible to fathom the reasoning behind it. The latest shooting, in Chicago, is yet another example of what seems to be a mindless urge to kill people. And you only need a few people like this to give an impression, even in a country as big as America, that every community is hiding a would-be shooter. Every week, it seems, there is some fatal shooting incident. The fact that a young person can buy an assault weapon so easily is, of course, a crucial part of the crisis hitting the US because it provides an incentive, indeed a motivation, for someone with delusions or anger or hatred in his head to pull the trigger and see people fall to the ground. It's tragic, it's very very scary and it seems unstoppable.

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