Tuesday 12 April 2022

Putin broke the law. Now so too has Boris Johnson. But come on!

So Boris Johnson and Rishy Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, are fined by the Metropolitan Police for breaching the Covid rules when they attended, albeit briefly, a Downing Sreet "birthday party" during lockdown. There are many voices demanding they both resign. I can understand those who feel this way, especially everyone in the country who abided by the rules, never saw anyone outside their household for more than a year and lost close family members or friends. Of course, of course, of course. But the world is in a dangerous place right now, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a monstrous catastrophe, economies are being hit, and there is a danger the war in Ukraine could expand to other parts of the region, even lead to a full-scale Europe war. For heaven's sake let's focus on the planet's biggest criminal, Vladimir Putin, and that means keeping in play all the leaders who are trying to protect Ukraine, Boris being one of them. The Met Police were doing their job, so it's not their fault, but all the MPs who are now screaming for his resignation because he is the first British prime minister to have been fined for breaking the law should get a life. Let's put things in perspective.

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