Sunday 26 September 2021

Of course the petrol queues are about Brexit!

I hate to say it but my country is in a sorry mess right now. It has been many years since I last saw long queues of cars clogging up the roads as they wait to fill up with petrol and supermarket shelves running out of essential food. We are not a country at war and yet there is a sense of panic everywhere. Plenty of fuel but no drivers to drive the tankers to the petrol stations and food to the shops. And gas prices going up and energy companies going bankrupt. The Boris Johnson government insists this has nothing to do with Brexit but of course it is. The 5,000 extra heavy goods lorry drivers we need are the very same 5,000 from across the way on the European continent who left the UK because of Brexit changes which made them unwelcome. Now Boris wants them back and has promised to give them three-month visas to help us out. If that isn't Brexit I don't know what is. Boris and co say it's all the fault of the lorry companies who don't pay their drivers enough and make them work long hours but that has been the case for years, well before Brexit. The absence of 5,000 foreign drivers is because Brexit sent them home. Ministers say there is no reason to panic-buy petrol but no one is listening. So the queues and the clogging traffic is getting worse by the day. Everyone is panicking!

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