Wednesday 15 September 2021

Did General Mark Milley really ring the Chinese?

Nothing surprises me anymore about what went on in the Trump administration but, seriously, did General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Trump's principal military adviser, actually ring his counterpart in Beijing and say: "Don't worry, the US is not about to attack you but if there is any sign Trump might do something like that I'll tip you off." What!!! This is the most extraordinary thing I've heard since...well the last time there was an extraordinary claim about what was in Trump's mind, like bombing Iran. But just imagine for a moment the cataclysmic breach of trust that must have existed between Trump and Milley for America's top general to consider tipping off China in the event of a decision by the US commander-in-chief to launch some form of attack on the Chinese. I don't know which is more serious: Trump thinking of carrying out a military attack on China in order to help him win the 2020 presidential election or Milley ringing up a potential adversary and promising to give early notice of an impending strike. It is staggering. No wonder Marco Rubio has called on Joe Biden to sack Milley. Or perhaps Milley should be given the Nobel peace prize. Either way, the claims in the latest Bob Woodward book are probaby accurate. After all he does have a reputation for getting top people to talk and I'm sure he spoke with Milley who must have told him everything without attribution of course. Another reason maybe for Milley to step down, at least in the eyes of Republicans. Trump has dismissed the whole thing as fake news. If it isn't true then Milley should come out and say so. Trump always says everything is fake news, so we can't believe him. And who knows maybe he did say at some point "Hey, let's do something to China and I can then sort it all out and get the voters behind me as a tough president", but somehow I can't believe he said any such thing with Milley in his presence. So why did Milley feel it imperative to ring his Chinese counterpart and then summon all top commanders and remind them that he, Milley, was a key player in any move by the president to launch a nuclear attack. In other words, he, Milley, would put a stop to it. I know Trump was capable of almost anything but this all sounds fanciful to me.

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