Tuesday 9 April 2019

Trump flexes his muscles

There are times when the president of the United States just waves a big stick and gets things done, never mind what his advisers say. Donald Trump has always been like that but this week he really has been busy. He sacked his director of homeland security, chopped the director of the Secret Service and designated Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organisation. Poor Kirstjen Nielsen knew her job was on the line. She has been living by her fingertips ever since her main backer, General John Kelly, left his job as chief of staff at the White House. She did her best to look and sound tough on immigration but she was never going to be tough enough with a man like Trump as her boss. So off she goes to new pastures and now homeland security is going to be turned upside down so that all the top people are Trumpites, tough as hell on immigration and born-again Wall builders. It was inevitable. Bye bye Kirstjen. The Secret Servce has lost a few directors in its time. The one sacked this time, Randolph Alles, hasn't exactly been a star of the show. As for designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terror oganisation, that has been a long time coming. Trump hates them, and for good reason. This nasty bunch of schemers and plotters does all the dirty work for the Tehran regime. Strangely, the Pentagon advsed Trump against designating them terrorists on the grounds that it would put US troops stationed in the Middle East in grave danger. Well, US troops stationed and serving in the Middle East are already in grave danger. That's their job. I don't think calling the Revolutionary Guard terrorists will change that. So it's only Tuesday Mr President, what else do you have planned for this week?

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