Sunday 21 April 2019

So what about the infamous Christopher Steele dossier on Trump?

There are some things which the Robert Mueller report has not resolved. One of the most controversial series of allegations against Donald Trump appeared in the notorious dossier drawn up by Christopher Steele, the former British MI6 intelligence officer. Apart from multiple allegations about Trump's business dealings in Moscow before he became president there was the extraordinary claim that the Russians had compromising photos of Trump cavorting with prostitutes in a hotel room in the Russian capital during a visit in 2013. The infamous Golden Shower moment, when, it was alleged, Trump was caught being urinated on by two prostitutes. To be honest I always thought this bit in the Steele dossier was so obviously Russian black propaganda that it seemed amazing to me that someone with Steele's experience and intelligence should have felt it merited including in his backgound, highly detailed, dossier on Trump. Trump himself dismissed the accusation as fake news and revealed to the world that it couldn't have happened as he suffered from germ phobia. In other words he could not have stomached being urinated on. But the fact is the Steele dossier which ended up in the hands of the late John McCain who passed it to the FBI, was a major factor in the whole Russia collusion story. Yet Mueller hardly mentions it in his report. So does that mean he believes the former MI6 officer who served in Moscow had been duped by his Russian sources? And therefore it was not worth focusing on? The alleged Golden Shower episode would only have been relevant if it was part of the jigsaw showing that Trump was in league with Moscow in winning the 2016 election. But Mueller has stated that there is no evidence that there was any collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign, despite numerous meetings and contacts between Russians and campaign team members, including of course, Trump's son and son-in-law. So the Steele dossier was rubbish, a concoction of fabrications put out by dubious Russian intelligence contacts of the former MI6 former?? We probably will never know.

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