Saturday 20 April 2019

Has the Mueller report fatally damaged Trump?

From the mass of detailed reaction to the Mueller report, not just from the Democrats but also from legal and constitutional experts, it is probably accurate to say that the Trump presidency may now be fatally and irreversibly damaged, if not crippled. There are so many still unanswered questions and suspicions and doubts. So many people inside the White House have been caught lying that it is impossible for the likes of us to know any longer what the truth is. Francis Bacon, the complex and bizarre British artist, once said that the only way to understand the truth was to view it through a distorted lens, or words to that effect. As a consequence of this view he painted figures that were a mass of distortions and twists and impenetrable images. Is that the truth we now have with the Mueller report and Trump's White House? Will we ever learn the real truth? And even if we do, won't Trump and co just dismiss it as fiction. Look at Trump's main spokesperson, Sarah Huckerbee Sanders. She told the media at the time that the president's sacking of James Comey, then FBI director, was because "countless" FBI agents were disillusioned with his leadership and were suffering from low morale. The real reason, as Trump himself admitted in a TV interview soon after her statement to the press, was that he sacked Comey because of the original Russia collusion investigation. Now Sarah Sanders, with not a glimmer of embarrassment, explains that she sort of mispoke at the time about using the word "countless" but still insists morale was bad at the FBI under Comey. She has probably got a neighour who used to work at the FBI who told her over the garden fence that he had heard through one of his mates that Comey wasn't that popular!!! Ha, thus emerged the "countless" adjective. I seriously doubt Sarah Whatsit knows countless FBI agents. But she has some gall now after the Mueller report to stick to her original story about the sacking of Comey. We all know, thanks to Trump, that he got fed up with Comey because he insisted on investigating whether the White House had been engaged in a nefarious plot with the Russians to destroy Hillary Clinton's election campaign. This was before Mueller of course. So the whole truth about the whole truth is more about mirrors and perceptions and interpretations. BUT, people with any brain cells are not stupid. They will make up their minds about Trump as president in 2020. Do they trust him to be in charge of the country for another four years or has the Mueller affair totally changed their view? I don't know the answer but I'm pretty sure, despite Trump's insistence he has been completely exonerated, that his presidency has been tarnished and there could be a huge upset in 2020. An upset for Trump I mean.

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