Friday 12 October 2018

Release of US pastor from Turkish jail is bad news for Saudi Arabia

There can't be many people who don't think that the sudden decision to release US pastor Andrew Brunson from a Turkish jail might possibly have something to do with the current furore between the Turks and Saudis over the suspected murder of a dissident Saudi journalist in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul. Ok, so it was a judge who set the pastor free and approved his return to the US despite being accused of aiding terrorist groups. But the release this week is too much of a coincidence. Obviously President Erdogan, Turkey's leader, wants the US on his side on the question of the suspected killing and dismembering of Jamal Khashoggi, the missing journalist. One major problem for Turkish/US relations has been the continued detention of Pastor Brunson for what are seen in Washington to be trumped-up charges. So, lo and behold in the week when Turkey and Saudi Arabia are at loggerheads over the missing journalist, the Turkish authorities organise it so that the pastor gets his freedom, bringing the smile back on Trump's face. Trump had been vociferous about the pastor's "wrongful" detention. With that out of the way, Erdogan will expect Trump to give his full weight behind Turkey's battle with Saudi Arabia. Trump has so far expressed concern and demanded answers. So, too, has John Bolton, his national security adviser. But Trump has dismissed calls to suspend all arms deals with Saudi Arabia. With Erdogan breathing down his neck, Trump might just have to row back on that, especially if prima facie proof is provided by the Turks of Khashoggi's death at the hands of the Saudi intelligence service.

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