Sunday 22 April 2018

Hey Mr President, it's Stallone here

An every day scene in the White House. "Mr President, it's Theresa May on the line." "Tell her I'm in a meeting." "But, Mr President...." "She'll ring back, she always does." A few minutes go by. "Mr President, Chancellor Merkel wants a word." "Find out what the word is and tell her to ring me tomorrow." "Mr President, is that a joke?" "If the word is Macron, tell her forget it." A few more minutes go by. "Mr President, are you free for me to pop in?" "No, whoever you are." "It's John Kelly, Mr President." "What's John Kelly?" "It's me, I'm John Kelly." "Why didn't you say?" "So can I pop in?" "No, I'm busy." Half an hour goes by. "Mr President, The First Lady would like a word." "What's all this word business about? Tell her I'll see her next week when we go to Florida." "She was a little insistent, Mr President." "Aren't all women?" Three minutes later. "Mr President..." "What now?! Do you have to bother me every few seconds?" "Sorry, Mr President, it's someone claiming to be Sylvester Stallone." "Hey, put him on." "Mr President, how are you?" "Hey, Big Boy, how the hell are you? How's it falling? Where you at? Haven't spoken for a long time, great to hear you. Nothing going down this morning, so you rang at the best time. What's up?" "Good to talk to you, Mr President, er...Donald, I just wondered if you might consider giving a full pardon to this boxer guy who got arrested for crossing a state line with a white woman. He's black, right?" "Hey, man, what the hell. What he do, rob a bank, like Bonnie and Clyde?" "No, er...Donald, he just crossed a state line with this white woman." "You kidding, right? I crossed a state line with a white woman many times hahaha. No one dared arrest me." "Er, no, Mr President, Donald, this was way back in 1913, when this was a crime?" "What, walking across a state line with a white woman was a crime in those days? I'll talk to General Kelly, he knows about this sort of stuff." "Well, no, President Donald, there's a bit more to it. This guy called Jack Johnson, he was the world heavyweight champion, he crossed the state line for what the FBI said was immoral purposes." "You mean he wanted sex but couldn't have it in one state, so he crossed over to have sex in another state?" "Er yes, that's it. And don't forget the woman was white and he was black, and like that was a crime. Something called the Mann Act." "Man Act Woman Act, it all sounds dodgy to me. Never trust the FBI. D'you see what they're trying to do to me?" "Yeah, Mr President, I'm with you if you need me, but what about Johnson? Any chance you could pardon him?" "Sure, buddy, anything for you. I've got all this boring stuff on Kim Jong-un to read but I could skip that and look into your man. I'll Google him and give you an answer in due course. And, hey, come over for dinner. The food's crap but we could have a good chow." "Thanks Mr President, good talking to you, and thanks again."

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