Saturday 28 April 2018

Can a ruthless killer be trusted?

In all the euphoria over peace breaking out between North and South Korea it is worth recalling that in his seven years as Dear Leader in Pyongyang he has executed a whole bunch of people, some of them his closest relatives. Firing squads, death by poisoning, every kind of butchery. He may not know this but in the West, including of course the United States, leaders don't go around bumping off people they don't like. Donald Trump has got rid of lots of advisers, but he just sacked them. They are all still alive and well. Kim's enemies are dead, very dead. So all the hugging and kissing over the South/North Korea border yesterday was all fine and dandy in the name of peaceful relations and a better future on the Peninsula, but Dear Leader Kim has blood on his hands. So can he be trusted, or even should he be trusted? Trump I'm sure plans to grasp Kim into an embrace when they meet for their summit this month or next month and there will be smiles for the whole world. But you can bet there will be officials and relatives of Kim in the backgrounod or back at home who wlll be very very nervous about Kim's apparent change in mood. Is Kim all smiley just as dangerous as Kim with fury on his face? Kim Jong Nam, his half brother, died from VX nerve agent being smothered onto his face at Malaysia's international airport and Jang Song Thaek, KIm's uncle, was executed five years ago, just two of the most high-profile killings. So don't underestimate this gentleman, Mr President of the United States. He ain't no gentleman and he has killer eyes. Just like Vladimir Putin. Good luck with that.

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