Tuesday 1 August 2017

White House: "Attention!"

The new chief of staff at the White House has pronounced that he wants to run the president's office pad like a military organisation. So, everyone in the West Wing, shape up, stand up straight, call your superiors Sir or Ma'am and do what General Kelly tells you. None of this sloppy behaviour, insolence and disobedience, thank you. General Kelly will be watching your every move. Military men are moulded in a different way from civilian types. They expect orders to be obeyed, and it won't matter whether it's Stephen Bannon or members of the Trump family trying to get access to Trump. First, they will have to deal with the general. This is good news for the working environment in the White House because there will be less tittle tattle and chat and gossip and plotting and leaking and outbursts and stamping of feet and bad language. But it won't be so much fun!! The White House under military control? Someone,somewhere is going to get sick and tired of the general's daily orders. Someone, probably Bannon, is going to go ballistic, because he's an extreme out-of-the-box thinker and doesn't want to be tied down to a Kelly-style agenda. He will still want to have the ear of the president day and night. There's almost bound to be a bust-up at some point. But right now the retired four-star Marine Corps general is assembling his troops for action and he wants one thing - victory on his terms. Trump loves him for now. Let's see how long the Kelly era will last.

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