Thursday 24 August 2017

Maduro and his riches

The full extent of President Maduro's raiding of Venezuela's riches for his own benefit should be exposed. The ex-chief prosecutor who is now in fear of her life and is currently in Brazil, says she has the evidence to prove Maduro's corruption. But will it bring down his ghastly regime and give the Venezuelan people a chance to live in a proper democracy? Like all dictators, Maduro will no doubt fight his corner and blame the United States for everything. But the prosecutor lady has it in her hands to damage his reputation even more than it is already. Why doesn't the US Treasury which has a brilliant section dealing with illicit financial goings-on around the world start poking into Maduro's activities. Where is his money kept, what properties has he bought with the country's cash, what members of his family are also filtering away Venezuela's riches? This Treasury department has a fantastic reputation for tracing terrorists' finances and pinpointing international sanction-busting companies. If they spent a bit of time hunting down Maduro's clandestine financial dealings and revealing all to the world, the former bus driver's presidential days might be numbered. Then he really would have good reason to blame the US for his downfall!

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