Tuesday 8 October 2024

Biden swears a lot, apparently

Another Bob Woodward bombshell book is soon to come out and the stuff that has leaked sounds pretty unsalutary. That nice, gentle man, Joe Biden, swears like a trooper. He calls everyone he doesn't like or is fed up with a f......this or that, says Woodward. Bad language in the White House seems to be a pretty traditional way of talking whoever the president. Yes, Barak Obama, too, and certainly Donald Trump. But old Joe? Yes, according to Woodward who has written so many revelatory books about the Washington political world that every president must dread it when they hear a new book is about to come out. Apparently Joe uses the F word a lot, especially when he is talking about people like Vladimir Putin. Or Trump, of course. As for Trump, it seems unlikely he called Putin bad names because Woodward claims the former president has phoned Putin on numerous occasions since he left office, presumably for friendly chats. Trump's team furiously denies it. But someone must have told Woodward, someone from within the Trump camp who listened in or knew about the calls. The thing about Washington is that when word gets round that Woodward is writing another book, everyone wants to get in on the act by whispering things to him, probably in the hope that by cooperating with the journalist from the Washington Post he won't write anything nasty about them. Ho ho, that's not true I bet. If Woodward is told something, whoever it's about, it will appear in his tome. That's why his books are such bestsellers. So, as Joe Biden finishes off his presidency, just think of him as saying to all his staff, "F...off".

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