Thursday 9 March 2023

The hunt for someone to run Biden's presidential campaign. So he IS going to stand?

I have never known such a coy political leader. President Joe Biden is waiting for the right moment to announce to an expectant nation that he will be running for a second term in office. Meanwhile, his aides are rushing around trying to draw up a shortlist of potential candidates for masterminding his campaign. It's a cart before the horse situation! Normally there would be no point looking for a campaign chief if you don't have a campaign to run. Right now Biden could go either way but the chances are he WILL go for a second term, despite his age. So I guess for the will he/won't he brigade it makes sense to start preparing the ground. Biden will need a whole team dedicated to keeping him in the White House. But for the potential candidates for the top campaign job, it would surely be helpful if he or she knew for certain that Biden was ready to go for it. Last year people supposedly in the know said that Biden would probably make his announcement in February. Well it's March already. Now there is talk that it could be in April. He might be wise to delay it further and wait until he gets a better idea who he might be standing against. He has several times declared that he is not afraid of Donald Trump and is convinced he can and will beat him. I wonder if he would be as confident if he has to fight the likes of Ron DeSantis, the super-assured governor of Florida. My money nevertheless is on Biden going for a second term. Despite all the worries about his health, mental and physical, and his wobbly moments on certain occasions, he looks pretty good most of the time and his decisions have, likewise, been pretty sound, if not bold. Also the comparisons between Biden and Trump are now so diverse - loud, whacky, outrageous and bonkers versus quiet, competent, straightforward and nice - that even the most remote American citizen living in a hut in the woods might come to the conclusion that another four years of the Old Chap might not be so bad after all.

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