Monday, 9 October 2017

What a corker from Corker

There have been so many slanging matches, mostly by Twitter, involving Donald Trump, but the latest one between Trump and one-time close friend Senator Bob Corker that it deserves special attention. Corker was one of Trump's early campaign supporters. He was highly regarded by Trump, so much so that, despite Trump's denials, Corker WAS considered as a possible candidate as Secretary of State. As Republican chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee, he was a natural for the State Department. Far more of an obvious choice than Rex Tillerson who had been in oil all his working life. Anyway, the love affair between Trump and Corker is over, because they have had a corker of a row. Corker has as good as said Trump is a danger to the United States and a danger to the universe. He didn't say Trump was unfit to be president but indicated that if it wasn't for the calm and wise counselling from Jim Mattis, Defence Secretary, Rex Tillerson at Stiate and John Kelly as chief of staff in the White House, we would have all gone to hell in a handcart, as the expression goes. So it seems, Mattis, Tillerson and Kelly - and probably a bit of General HR McMaster too at the National Security Council - have prevented Trump from launching into World War III. Well, I think that's a touch of an exaggeration, although it's emphasised quite a lot by the New York Times in its story about the row. Trump doesn't want World War III, deep down, but he likes to flirt with the idea in his tweeting when he shouts and screams at his favourite bogeymen, Kim Jong-un and the whole of the Iranian regime. Corker is a venerable senator with a lot of influence although not for much longer because he has made it clear he does not wish to stand again for election to the Senate. However, whie he is still in the Senate he will play a crucial role in guiding or not guiding Trump's legislation through the legislative process. Corker and his band of fed-up, disillusioned Republicans are not in the mood to help their president becasue they are seriously worried about him. What a mess, Donald. Why don't you make some friends instead of pissing everyone off!!

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