Monday, 16 October 2017

Hillary does go on!

For quite some time during the 2016 US presidential election campaign, pretty well everyone thought/assumed that Hillary Clinton would win because surely it was impossible for a man like Donald Trump who admitted he once groped a woman and thought it was fun could actually become president. The person above all others who assumed Hillary was going to win was Hillary herself. That was both arrogant and, unfortunately for her, very very shortsighted, nay, blinkered. Ever since the presidency of Donald Trump began, Hillary has been telling the world, or perhaps I should say those who can be bothered to listen, that she is still astonished that she lost and blames a whole lot of things, except her own totally inadequate campaign which was lacking any real warmth. She never gave herself to the crowds. She was just Hillary on her platform offering to the American people the only option, in her view, for a better America. ie with her as president. That's all past now, but not for Hillary. She's in the UK at the moment promoting yet another book about the Great Mystery of her failure to beat Trump. How could the American voters have let her down so badly?! Listening to her now is painful. She cannot get round the fact that she was lawfully beaten. If it hadn't been for WikiLeaks, the Russians, James Comey, Trump's lies etc etc, she would now be sitting in the Oval Office rather than whingeing about her unfair fate at the Cheltenham Literary Festival. Ok, she's got a book to promote and she obviously gets all the same old questions about why she failed to win the presidency and how she has come to terms with it. But we're getting the same old answers. We've heard them non-stop since she lost the election. She needs a new life, not one buried in failure and disappointment. Just think, Hillary, you're not having to confront Rocket Man Kim Jong-un, you're not going to be blamed for causing the next world war and you don't have to deal with Putin who hates you. So think positive, and enjoy spending the money from your huge royalties.

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