Wednesday, 11 October 2017

IQ Test second round

I guess Rex Tillerson would have been irritated by Trump's claim that he had won the IQ test - see yesterday's blog - so here's a second round: Question: Who have been the best White House advisers so far? Trump: Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn and Mad Dog Mattis. Tillerson: Mattis, John Kelly, HR McMaster and, eh, me. Question: How many key people have been sacked from the administration? Trump: Not enough. Tillerson: Lost count. Question: What is Bradley Manning called now? Trump: Same as before, TRAITOR. Tillerson: Chelsea. Question: Would Hillary Clinton have made a better president? Trump: Next question. Tillerson: Is Trump going to see my answer? Question (just for Tillerson): Is Trump a moron? Tillerson: In the strict sense of the word,, not. Question: What should be done with the Iran nuclear deal? Trump: Tear it up and start again. Tillerson: Tehran is honouring the deal, so..... Question: What's stopping you from your doing your job on a daily basis? Trump: General Kelly. Tillerson: White House. Question: Where were three Green Berets killed the other day? Trump: Nigeria. Tillerson: Niger. Question: What's the capital of Niger? Trump: Ha, I know that one, Lagos. Tillerson: Niamey. Question: Name three African countries ending in the letters, bia. Trump: Nambia, Gambia, Zambia. Tillerson: Gambia, Zambia and Namibia. Question: What's the best achievement of the new administration so far? Trump: Everyone's better off than under Obama. Tillerson: Have to think about that one. Question: Is the world going to survive under this administration? Trump: Not with me around. Tillerson: Not with Trump around. Question: Is your job safe? Trump: Don't be silly, I had the biggest majority in US history. Tillerson: Just waiting for my pink slip.

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