Wednesday 8 February 2017

Trump in destructive mood

There's a brilliant commentary piece inThe Washington Post today, written by David Ignatius, a very well connected writer on national security issues which, among other things, says Trump is in a destructive mood, basically throwing everything out, everything that people had got used to for decades. The question he posed was, what does Trump want to build once he has destroyed everything around him? I don't think anyone knows, perhaps not even Trump. This is why for the next six to nine months the US, America's allies and America's enemies, are going to be in a state of confusion, anger, and outrage. Whatever my personal feelings about having a man like Trump in the White House, I am slowly coming to the view that perhaps it would be wrong to underestimate this extraordinary individual. That doesn't mean he's going to be a force for good, absolutely not. But it's possible he has a plan. In other words, it's not just government by impromptu tweeting. That's for the destruction period, to make sure his supporters stay on side and his opponents remain bewildered and in shock. Then, eventually he will emerge after the Establishment in Washington is on its knees, and produce his take-it-or-leave masterplan for the United States and for the rest of the world. If this is even remotely along the Trump line of thinking, it's not a comforting thought, but it is possibly an explanation for why he is acting the way he is at the moment. The danger, of course, is that Trump may only be capable of destruction. He may be so determined to undo everything achieved by his predecessors in the White House, so intent on breaking down the traditions and customs and morals of the country that he will never emerge as a president with a unifying vision. Right now, it's impossible to predict what is going to happen.

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