Friday 17 February 2017

Alice in Wonderland Part Two

It will go down in history as one of the most bizarre press conferences of all time, at least in Washington.  Donald Trump woke up, read the newspapers, watched the big broadcasters, and came down for breakfast determined to tell those dishonest reporters what the real world was all about. He was going to have his say, big time! There must have been timid souls around him desperate to say, Mr President please don't. It's not wise. Leave it to that nice Mr Spicer to rant and rave at the press. But I reckon having Trump in the White House is a bit like it was when Saddam Hussein was in charge in Baghdad. None of Saddam's advisers dared to advise him unless they were going to say what he wanted to hear. It's got to be the same with Trump. If he wants to do something he will do it. So he swept into the room filled with all the top dogs of the media and gave what can only be described as a vaudeville performance. There was no script, no direction, just solid lies lies lies. That may sound disrespectful, even rude, to a man who succeeded in winning over around 50 per cent of the American voting population and had entered the White House as the legally elected 45th president. But come on!! You only had to look at the faces of the journalists in front of him to see that everyone in the room was sharing the same astonishment at the sheer gall of the president. The White House running "like a fine-tuned machine"?!!! So, if that's true, everything written in the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal has been made up, fabricated, FAKE NEWS? Yes, according to Trump, everything is going smoothly, and if it wasn't for those stupid judges who haven't a clue about national security, he would have had his travel ban on nine Muslim countries up and running, presumably like a fine-tuned machine. But I'm sorry, Trump is into fake news in a big way. What he said simply wasn't true. It was a bravura performance but most of his answers were as far away from the truth as Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.

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