Sunday 18 August 2024

Why aren't Russians in Kursk shouting at Moscow?

Russian people in Kursk know all about the war in Ukraine because it's going on across the border. They might even have heard the noise of gunfire when Putin's invasion began on February 24 2022. But they probably felt it had nothing to do with them and when their leader hundreds of miles away in Moscow said it was just a special operation to rid their neighbour of Nazis, they believed him and went on with their lives. Now that has all changed. The war over the border is currently bang in their midst after the Ukrainian military incursion nearly two weeks ago. Houses are being wrecked, people are being killed, bridges are being blown up. But where are the Russian soldiers to protect them? Nowhere to be seen. So why aren't these Russian people screaming and shouting and demanding Moscow explain the total failure to keep them safe? Do they still believe that the operation in Ukraine is just a Nazi-removing mission or do they now realise perhaps for the first time that it's a real war and they are becoming victims? I'm sure they are all complaining and worried but will this ever amount to a rebellion against Moscow and the Putin elite? So far there is no sign of it. They are too afraid to demand anything of their leader. This is Putin's Russia for you.

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