Wednesday 21 August 2024

The anointing of Kamala Harris

Three remarkable, unprecedented things have happened in the 2024 presidential election campaign: first, Donald Trump is still the Republican nominee despite being convicted of business fraud and facing a mass of other criminal charges, second, Joe Biden was tapped on the shoulder in a coup by his Democratic "friends" and forced to step down as their nominee, and third, Kamala Harris has been plucked from relative obscurity and turned into the dream ticket for a gasping, adoring party and anointed queen of the universe. All three are extraordinary but perhaps the third one is the most gobsmacking. She looks the part, she never stops smiling and waving but actually no one really knows for sure what she will be like as president, what her driving policies will be and whether what she has (or might have) in mind will be benficial for the United States of America and for the free world. She has only campaigned for a month but in that time she has become a kind of goddess with everyone's hopes and dreams resting on her shoulders. Joe Biden, after being pushed to one side, is being hailed at the Democratic convention as a great president, and yet Hillary Clinton claims Kamala Harris will be one of the true greats. As I said, it's extraordinary. Let us hope all this new-found adoration of Kamala Harris bears fruit if she beats Trump, as she probably will, in November.

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