Saturday 9 March 2024

Is it a bird, is it a flying saucer?

More wonderful UFO stuff. The latest Pentagon UFO department report gives the impression that pilots see so many unexplained flying whatsits at high and low altitude that aliens in spaceships just must be circling the Earth at regular intervals. The Pentagon calls them Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAPs) but us lesser mortals still call them UFOs. The trouble is, every report that gets published always ends up the same, basically with the Pentagon dissing all such incidents. No, there are no aliens, no, there's no government cover-up, no, there has been no secret reverse-engineering of alien spaceships. This time, in the latest report, the UFO-checking officials indicate that any highly suspicious objects doing acrobatic stuff at wizzy speeds close to passing jet fighters were probably classified air force aerial platforms taking part in black research programmes. But hang on a minute. First of all, anything that goes up from the ground in the US has to be logged and even if it's secret, pilots of military and commercial aircraft in the same air space have to be warned to steer clear. It makes sense. Likewise, when the US launches flight tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles, all aircraft and ships are given due notice to stay the hell out of the way. So if these "UFOs or UAPs" are really the latest bit of kit out of the Lockheed Martin skunkworks, there should be a log somewhere. All very mysterious. But it all adds to the fun and games when the Pentagon produces its latest UFO report. I'm sure there are a lot of comedians in the UFO-investigating department. It makes a change from the usual diet of wars and military shenanigans and over-priced weapons projects

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