Sunday 17 October 2021

Trump still insists he is the rightful commander-in-chief

So much time has gone by and yet still Donald Trump insists, almost every day, that Joe Biden's election as president in November 2020 was a fraud and that he, president for four years, should now be well into his second term of office. It's an extraordinary and alarming campaign by a man who will probably stand for election as president once again in 2024. You would have thought by now that enough Republicans, both those serving in Congress and private citizens, had become tired of this relentless nonsense by Trump and had started to push him away and think of the future. But this is absolutely not the case. Every time Trump stands up to relay his worn-out message, he is cheered around the country. I appreciate that serving Republicans have a helluva judgment call to make: how can they publicly berate Trump for persisting with the election fraud line when to do so they would alienate millions of supporters. But someone has to be brave enough to make a stand. Courts up and down the land dismissed Trump's accusation. Biden is president legitimately and constitutionally and that's a fact of political life. But Trump will not and cannot accept it. So on and on he goes with his ludicrous claims. His supporters believe him and far too few Republican senators and representatives have the guts to put him right. For fear of losing their jobs. To incur the wrath of Donald Trump is to put your political career at risk. Grave risk. Trump is still big big big in America and I see no possibility that this will change between now and the election in 2024. The United States was my home for three years and I loved every moment which is why I fear for the country if the Trump election-fraud accusation is still his main message to the nation if/when he stands in 2024.

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