Wednesday 13 October 2021

Biden, Boris et al need to get Covid sorted!

Governments lucky enough to have had the funds to tackle Covid and pay workers to keep their jobs throughout the pandemic should by now be breaking free and returning their nations to normality. But it's still a helluva struggle even for the wealthiest, and I'm thinking here about the United States. Joe Biden should be basking in the glow of a back-to-the-future economy, with polls showing rising popularity for the president. But it's not the case. In fact it's the opposite. The same could soon be the case for Boris. He oozes confidence and optimism, that's part of his personality which is fine. But every day Covid deaths pile up, every day the number of people suffering from Covid sufficiently badly to be in hospital are in the thousands and large numbers of people are testing positive and feeling awful. This is after 19 months of the pandemic. Billions of pounds here and billions of dollars across the Atlantic have been spent combating Covid, a huge amount has been wasted, disgracefully wasted, and while massive progress had been made with the vaccination programme, the wretched virus is still taking lives whenever and wherever it wants. In the US in particular there is now a general sense of complacency and malaise about the whole issue, almost as if Biden and his administration have lost the plot. This may be unfair but Biden can't get away from the fact that his popularity ratings are desperately low and it's probably because he is not seen to be masterminding the recovery from the pandemic. True, there is a tremendous effort underway to get legislation through Congress that will give the economy a multi-trillion dollar boost but there is so much internicene whingeing going on between the Democrats and Republicans that the general populace has been turned off. All they want is their lives back and an end to Covid. It's not happening. And it's not really happening here in the UK either. There is a real bust-up going on between 10 Downning Street and the Treasury over how the hell to pay off the massive Covid borrowing debts. Political arguments are getting in the way of killing off the pandemic once and for all. That's key to all of our futures. If Covid deaths and sufferings are still going on next year, Biden and Boris and others will pay the price.

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