Tuesday 9 March 2021

Harry feeling trapped within the royal family was the saddest statement of all

I've always felt that Prince Harry is a good guy. He lost his Mum in the most tragic and terrible of circumstances and he, and William, have had to live with that trauma ever since and always will. In public, apart from the odd high-jinks as a very young man when he inadvisedly wore a Nazi get-up at a party, Harry has been a pretty inspiring sort of bloke and I will always have huge admiration for the time he spent serving Her Majesty's army in Afghanistan. I was one of those who knew he was serving in Afghanistan but was sworn to secrecy by the Ministry of Defence until he had completed his tour because of the huge risk that the Taliban would target him if they knew a son of the Queen was on their territory. But in the Oprah Winfrey interview he revealed he had felt trapped in the royal family, trapped in the whole institution of the monarchy and that it was the arrival of Meghan Markle in his life which made him realise there was freedom out there and a different life which he could actually enjoy. It is a very sad indictment that a young prince with so much to give felt under siege by the system. He claimed his father Prince Charles and his brother Prince Wiliam were also trapped. Indeed Prince Charltes himself said the same thing a long time ago in an interview with TV presenter Selena Scott. The point that has to be made, however, is that in this world there are millions of people who feel trapped in their lives for all kinds of reasons, such as poverty, domestic abuse, political dictatorship, life-threatening illness, whole-body paralysis, long-term unemployment, war and hopelessness. Being trapped within a royal family endowed with immense wealth and privilege cannot ever be compared with the miseries suffered by so many people on this planet. But I still feel sorry for Harry. But, selfishly, I also feel sorry that he wasn't able to come to terms with his birthright and find happiness and play an inspiring part as a respected member of the royal family. He and William together looked set to be the royals we all wanted for the future. All that has now been blown by the Oprah interview. The good guy has now become the sad, bitter royal who felt trapped by the institution and let down by his own family, especially his father. It's a tragedy.

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