Monday 29 March 2021

Do you miss me, asks Trump? It seems they do

If you read the American big-cheese newspapers every day, as I do, you will see Donald Trump's picture still all over the place. His picture with the hair peers out at you on the front pages and inside. He left the White House two months and ten days ago but there's still a thirst, it seems, for any Trumpery. The reason of course is because Trump is teasing everyone with his "will-I-won't-I" stand for the presidency again? This situation is unique. I don't think any other president who was kicked out after only four years tried to come back for another go. Trump has the Republican party so wrapped up under his thumb that if he does decide to try again in 2024, there is probably not much point in other Republican hopefuls standing against him. It's an invidious situation for them and for the Reublican party as a whole. Knowing that Trump's looming figure is waiting in the wings, all other potential candidates can do is hint that they might stand in 2024 but only as a pro-Trump candidate. Mike Pompeo, the Big Man who seems to burst out of his too-tight suit, has seemingly given his first hint at wanting to stand in 2024 although without actually saying so. It's early days but election fever is something that never really goes away in the United States, and Pompeo wants people to know that he's around and is someone to be reckoned with. Well, there isn't a person on the planet who doesn't know that Pompeo has ambitions to be president. But Pompeo is stuck with the Trump Factor as much as anyone else. He will have to play his cards very carefully. He cannot upset his old White House boss for starters. If he does then he will upset the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump in the 2020 election. Poor Nikki Haley discovered that the hard way. Once one of the potential golden stars of the Republican party and a definite maybe for the 2024 nomination she dared to criticise Trump by saying his rhetoric definitely led to the riotous attack on the Capitol on January 6 and said she was disgusted by his conduct. She also predicted Trump had no future as a political figure. Wow, the backlash could be heard across the Atlantic. That was brave of her but foolish if she wanted to stay as a 2024 candidate AND have a chance of winning the nomnation. Many of those 74 million voters must have been very annoyed by her disloyalty to the 45th president. Haley is out of the running unless there's a miracle. Trump asked an assembled crowd whether they missed him and judging by the roars, there are a lot of people who do. So it looks like the Trump face is going to appear on the front pages of American newspapers all the way to 2024! Pompeo will not be happy.

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