Friday 5 March 2021

Biden gets filibustered

I thought politics in the UK was pretty bad, with members of parliament behaving like peacocks on heat (apologies to the female MPs) to get their view across or to screw up another member's bill or the government's legislation or just for the sake of strutting his stuff before the cameras so that they get a mention in their local newspaper. In the US Congress it's worse. Here we have a near-$2 trillion bill to help the needy and the economy in general during the pandemic and all the Republicans want to do is cause chaos in order to ruin Joe Biden's chance of winning a victory in Congress. The arch screwer-upper is Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin who decided to go down the filibuster - should be billibuster - route by insisting on having all 628 pages of the coronavirus relief bill, presumably including footnotes. read out by clerks of the Senate. Which took hours and ruined everyone's Thursday evening. What a pathetic gesture of stupidity. Remember the name, Senator Ron Johnson. If anyone deserves to be kicked out of the Senate, he does. I hope his constituents do just that if he decides to go for reelection. All this bodes ill for Biden. The Democrats have the majority in the Senate - just - so the bill should go through anyway. But the Republicans are putting in so many amendments, all of which have to be voted on, that it could take a long time for the final vote to be reached. In the meantime those who desperately need financial help have to wait for the politicians to stop playing infantile games for the sake of demonstrating that that's what they can do. It's called democracy. If the Republicans win back the majority in the Senate in the mid-term elections, they won't even need to filibuster. They'll just vote no to everything. Again,that's democracy.

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