Thursday 11 June 2020

It's too late to turn the clock back if there's a second virus surge

You can tell just by the way people are walking around now that the two-metre rule and social distancing as a whole are being dumped wholesale. After the mass demonstrations over George Floyd and also, in the US, over the Memorial weekend, people gathered in close proximity by the tens of thousands and didn't seem to care a hoot about spreading the virus. There are already infection spikes going on across half a dozen US states, and I'm sure the same will be the case here in the UK. But it's too late for governments to reimpose social distancing and stay-at-home measures. The momentum for returning to normal life is too great to turn the clock back. From Saturday the UK government under Boris has announced a string of new restriction-lifting measures which are so complex absolutely no one will take notice even if they understand what the hell they mean. Single grandparents living on their own will be able to visit grandchildren in another household and give them all a hug, but grannies and grandpas who are still alive and living under the same roof can't see their grandchildren, let alone hug them. It's all about social bubbles. If you're not in the right bubble then stay at home and rewatch the same boxsets. Oh and if you're a parent with schoolage kids,they can hoof off up to the park and kick a ball around with all their friends or play cricket but they can't go back to school because of the huge dangers of catching the virus or giving it to parents or the school caretaker. There are kids in large numbers having fun all over the place but they're not learning at school because schools are too DANGEROUS. Listening to the UK education secretary Gavin Williamson announcing the U-turn over primary school kids going back to their classrooms was like hearing a mouse squeek about the threat from too many cats in the neighbourhood. In the US Trump has set his face against the virus and has made it clear that a seven-letter word is now the only one that people need to concentrate on: ECONOMY. The virus is so yesterday. Never mind the spikes in Houston, Phoenix, South Caroline and Missouri. Get back to work, people. Lockdowns are for wusses. And so it came to pass that as the virus leapt across the land, the mighty ones in charge want to hear no more about deaths and bankrupticies and unemployment. Let there only be good news.

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