Monday 11 June 2018

Trump now needs Kim Jong-un more than ever

Donald Trump has angered so many of his best allies that he now needs to get close to Kim Jong-un, otherwise he won't have any friends at all. Judging by the nods and winks from Mike Pompeo and others it looks like the summit is all wrapped up already with some unspecific pledges from both sides, enough to get a formal communique signed and sealed. Provided Trump and Kim actually like each other and trust each other. I would imagine President Xi Zinping has warned Kim: "Don't trust Trump. Get what you can but don't give away too much and come back to me before you offer anything serious." By now Kim knows everything there is to know about Trump, and by normal standards he should be wary as hell. Look what Trump said about Justin Trudeau, and they were the best of friends only a few months ago. But if Kim has done his homework properly he will know that Trump is desperate for a successful summit. He needs Kim more than Kim needs Trump. Kim always has Xi Zinping to fall back on. Trump has no one because no one is Trump's friend. Try and name one leader who actually trusts and likes Trump. Trump claims the Chinese president is his friend, but Xi Zinping would never consider himself a friend of Trump. He is far too wily and cunning and devious and self-important. Emmanuel Macron used to be his friend but isn't any more because of Trump's G7 tirade. Merkel can't stand him. Theresa May probably hates him but is too British to say so. Trudeau is now Enemy Number One in Trump's eyes. There is no one who rings up Trump for a friendly chat. It's that bad. So Trump will do his damndest to be friends with Kim Jong-un. If the summit fails because of poor chemistry between the two men, I don't know where Trump will turn. The only hope for a friend will be the one man who Trump said right from the beginning would be one of his mates - Vladimir Putin. I predict that if Kim spurns his advances, Trump will be on the phone to the Kremlin to seek a summit with Putin. Robert Mueller will have a fit.

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