Tuesday 12 June 2018

Kim Jong-un wins huge concession

Trump came out with one very unexpected titbit when he spoke at the press conference after the summit with his new friend, Kim Jong-un. He said he had offered to cancel all future war games with South Korea if North Korea continued to behave itself. Wow, that was such a big concession that South Korea was left breathless. Trump actually agreed with North Korea that the annual military exercises were provocative. He also said, very Trump-like, that cancelling the war games would save the US a lot of money. And that's good presumably in Trump's thinking. In return, Kim said he would get rid of a ballistic missile test site. Well I'm sorry but scrapping probably an obselete missile site in exchange for the ending of the annual joint exercises between the US and South Korea wich provide the only chance for the two countries to prepare themselves for a possible conflict on the Korean peninsula is about as comparable as the North Koreans agreeing to get rid of a naval patrol boat as a quid pro quo for the US scrapping a carrier battle group. What did Trump think he was doing? This is just the start of many years of negotiations with Kim. You don't open the proceedings by offering to end one of the main things that keeps South Korea safe and prevents the one million-strong North Korean army from surging over the border. The Pentagon must be going mad. All those contingency plans just thrown out of the window of the Capella Hotel where the summit took place. Not just North Korea but also China will be delighted with this Trump gift. After all, they have been pushing for this for nearly 20 years. Now they get it without having to give much in return, apart from smiling a lot and accepting trips to see Trump in Washington. Thee is no question that the meeting between Trump and Kim was a special event. An historic event because it has never happened before. But Trump got over excited and went beyond the script. Somehow the Pentagon will have to fudge that unsolicited promise by Trump and continue to plan for the next military exercise. Otherwise Kim Jong-un is going to be laughing all the way back to Pyongyang.

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