Wednesday 6 September 2017

Let Kim eat grass

For once I agree with Vladimir Putin, although he was only half right when he said that Kim Jong-un would rather eat grass than give up his nuclear weapons programme and that new sanctions would be meaningless. But the point is that Kim is never going to have to eat grass. His poor suffering people who live outside Pyongyang in the rural areas probably eat grass already. But not for our Kim. The only grass he eats or is likely to eat is lemon grass to flavour his pasta dishes. Kim has grown in size in the near-six years since he succeeded as Supreme Leader and the reason is he eats very well. He has a yacht for goodness sake, where the fridges no doubt are stuffed with caviar or whatever his personal foodie taste may be. So, Mr Putin, your grass analogy was unfortunate athough I know what you were trying to say, and I agree. NOTHING will stop Kim from completing his nuclear programme and then carry on building more and more intercontinental ballistic missiles. In his six years at the top of the dynasty, Kim has test-fired more than 80 missiles and bombs, according to US intelligence estimates. This compares with only 20 carried out by his father, Kim Jong-il, during his 17-year rule. So the present Kim has been in a hurry to get on with his nuclear programme and is not interested in dialogue or deals. Once he is surrounded by all of his nuclear ballistic missiles, then he might turn to the world and say: "Ok, what will you give me if I promise not to launch a launch attack first?" Apparently, according to a former British ambassador in North Korea, Kim Jong-un is an affable sort of chap, who likes to be social, enjoys his family around him and can be quite pleasant when he is in the mood. Well, I expect Hitler was affable on occasions, and Stalin loved a good joke. But affability isn't going to help the rest of us right now. I can't imagine Kim being affable with Trump! No, Kim must be treated as a potentially hugely dangerous individual who has taken so many risks in his life already at the tender age of 33, that if he survives for another three or four decades, heaven knows what he will be like when he's 60 or 70. Mind you, if he does reach a venerable age, I guess that probably means the world will still be around!! But be warned, Kim, according to a story in today's papers, the US Navy Seal Team 6 - killers of Osama bin Laden - is currently training South Korean special forces to assassinate the North Korean leader if called upon to do so. Now will that make Kim shudder and hide in the wardrobe or will he just order his personal chef to send out for more lemon grass?

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