Friday 10 March 2017

Day in the life of Rex Tillerson

So Rex Tillerson is sitting at his desk in the State Department. He's used to being a big boss. He was CEO of ExxonMobil of course. Can't get much bigger than that. So it can't have been the best moment in his week when he got a phone call from one of his underlings which probably went something like this:
"Mr Secretary, did you know that the Mexican foreign minister is right now in the White House seeing the president?"
"WHAT? WHO? Can't be true. I would have been told....surely."
"Mr Secretary, I just got a call from my mate in the NSC who said this bloke Luis Videgaray walked in looking pleased with himself and was swept straight into the Oval Office."
"I don't believe it!! Why wasn't I told? I'm the xxxxxx secretary of state for God's sake."
"Yes, Mr Secretary, you are."
"Ring the White House immediately and demand an explanation. Tell them I'm very angry. Tell them I'll resign. Tell them I didn't get where I am today by being snubbed and left out and...(bursts into tears)."
"Yes, Mr Secretary, I'll ring at once."
Five minutes later the underling comes into the secretary of state's office.
"Mr Secretary, the White House says thank you for your remarks but that nice Mr Bannon is dealing with the Mexican foreign minister. Oh and Jared Kushner is also there."
"But but but.. Jared and I get on well. He likes me. Why didn't he tell me?"
"Mr Secretary, do you want me to ask him?"
"Mr Secretary, is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Yes, get me a xxxxx sandwich, cheese and pickle on rye."
"Yes, Mr Secretary."
"And a bottle of water."
"No, I hate gas."
"But I thought ExxonMobile was into gas?"
Tillerson hurls a book at the underling. The book, entitled How to be a Successful Secretary of State"  crashes to the floor.

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