Friday, 27 September 2019

The US and UK heading for chaos

The context may be totally different but the story is the same on either side of the Atlantic Ocean: The United States and the United Kingdom, both divided more than ever before, are heading for a chaotic future. Trump and Boris are two peas in the same pod. Both will fight their corner to the death but they are surrounded by angry, determined people who want them OUT or imprisoned or sent to live in Guatemala. Sorry Guatemala. As a result, normal political life, whatever that is these days, is going to come to a halt. Trump will spend all his waking hours trying to stop his opponents from booting him out of office on misdemeanour charges, and Boris is already spending every waking hour trying to stay prime minister AND take the UK out of the European Union by October 31. Nothing else matters now and so nothing else will be achieved. The two countries will grind to a halt. Congress and the House of Commons are in uproar. The similarities are endless. All we will hear about in the US between now and the 2020 election in November is the word impeachment. It will drive everything, from budget battles to the presidential campaigning. And in the UK, at least for the next three months it's all going to be about the survival or non-survival of the Boris government, and leaving or not leaving the EU. The prospect of all this anger and frustration and uncertainty is dire to say the least. As I have predicted before, I think both Trump and Boris will survive but both countries will be left exhausted and disillusioned. I have attended the funeral today of a lovely young Times journalist, she was just 34, whose life and career were cruelly cut short after she was hit by a motorbike while walking along a pavement. Such a tragic event for her family, fiance, friends and colleages puts things into a different perspective. Nevertheless the people who govern us have a lot to answer for. There is too much anger and hatred around. Congress and the House of Commons have ceased to be places where you can find generosity of spirit, compassion, or any sign of inspired and inspiring leadership. It is a sorry state of affairs.

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