Sunday, 22 September 2019

The Iranian leader has got such cheek!

President Hassan Rouhani is thought to be a moderate, if that word means anything in Iran. Although I suppose compared with the leaders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps - the other government in Tehran - he is not a wild radical extremist. But he has such cheek to accuse the United States of undermining security in the Gulf by deploying more troops to Saudi Arabia. Might I point out please, Mr Rouhani, that the ony reason Trump agreed to send a few hundred more troops to your hated enemy, Saudi Arabia, is because you launched a bunch of armed drones and cruise missiles to hit two Saudi oil installations, thus reducing the world's oil supply by five per cent. I mean really, who is responsible for destroying security in the Gulf? Don't you know what the hell is going on in the name of your government, Mr Rouhani? Ok, so there's still no prima facie proof that the drones and missiles came from southern Iran rather than Yemen. But you have got to have failed geography at school big time if you don't know the difference between north and south. The missiles and drones came from the north or northwest, not from the south. So unless the Houthi rebels in Yemen took all their rockets and missiles on a boat journey to Iran before launching them at the Saudi oil plants, it must have been Iran, or more specifically the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), that struck Saudi Arabia. It's simple geography, Mr Rouhani. And for him to say it was all America's fault is so much bunkum. I am assuming that the troops being sent to Saudi Arabia will come from air-defence batteries of the US Air Force and will man up a couple of extra Patriot anti-missile units to make sure they cover all the angles to avoid any future attempt by Iran to sneak missiles and drones in behind the backs of their existing Patriots that are facing south. It's the least Trump could do, especially after he seems to have decided, for the moment anyway, not to retaliate militarily to last weekend's strikes in Saudi Arabia by showering Iranian bases with Tomahawks and precision-guided air-launched bombs. The Wall Street Journal today is saying that Houthi rebel sources are warning of more Iranian attacks in the future. Would Rouhani dare to have another go at Saudi Arabia, just because the royal kingdom has agreed to have American troops on its soil (sorry, sand). Do you know, they might just launch another attack to tempt Trump into military retaliation. It's the sort of psychological argument which I can easily envisage the IRGC making. "Trump is afraid of us, so let's bash him again and see what he does and whether he has the balls to hit us. If he does, then, great, we'll wage war and show the Great Satan what we're made of." If Rouhani is this so-called moderate, will he stop the IRGC from launching another attack? He may try but I predict he will fail, and another attack will happen, not necessarily against Saudi Arabia but somewhere in the Gulf. And then let's see whether Rouhani tries again to blame the US for stirring the pot.

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