Sunday, 31 March 2019

Joe Biden's past catches up with him

Before Joe Biden decides whether he really really wants to run for president he will have to take into account that we are now in a totally differet social era since the last time he had a go. No man, whether he is running for president, governor, senator, congressman or mayor needs to wrack his brains to see if he can remember anything in his past which involved an unwise kiss or a very unwise slap on the bottom or an even unwiser sexual remark/act with a woman. This is the era post-Harvey Weinstein when stuff is coming out of the woodwork like dry rot. It is staggering the number of men who have been exposed as sexual predators at worst or as sexual liberty-takers. Joe Biden now seems to have fallen into the latter category although his spokesman has denied it. A woman has suddenly remembered that on some occasion in 2014, Biden had made her feel uncomfortable. Lucy Flores, Democratic nominee for lieutenant-governor in Nevada in 2014, remembers she recoiled when Biden planted a long slow kiss on the back of her head. From the same event, Biden was photographed burying his nose in the hair of an actress. Neither incident is damning or disgusting or overwhelmingly sexual in nature by the sound of it. But looking back now in 2019, both incidents seem inappropriate, somewhat creepy and definitely overstepping the mark - if true. And are there numerous other examples waiting to be made public? Will dozens of women now come forward with uncomfortable recollections. It is more than likely. Biden hasn't even declared he will run yet but he must surely be having second thoughts. The extraordinary thing is that when much more salacious stuff came out about Trump, he just brushed it aside and survived. But Biden is a different character altogether. He wants to be seen as a nice guy, a gentleman. But creepy stuff from five years ago could chage all that.

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